Visiting Professors

Social Events
Duke Otolaryngology residents are a close group, and we enjoy making the most of our time together. Some of the activities we enjoy as part of the program include:
- An annual resident welcome, in which faculty and residents gather to get to know each other.
- Our holiday party with the entire department.
- A Spring gathering following the in-service exam. Prior events have included activities such as bowling.
- Monthly journal club meetings located at various local restaurants around Durham and Chapel Hill. Topics are arranged based on various sub-specialties within otolaryngology.
Journal Club
Journal club consists of monthly meetings located at various local restaurants around Durham and Chapel Hill. Topics are arranged based on various sub-specialties within otolaryngology, and from this 3-4 articles are selected. These articles include landmark papers and up-to-date literature regarding a particular theme. Articles are presented by residents and discussed as a group with faculty. These sessions provide a unique opportunity stay current with newly developed procedures or reviews.
Duke otolaryngology faculty and residents at Bull City Room Escape.

Residents have also coordinated activities on their own, such as a Carowinds trip.

Duke Surgery Virtual Tour
Join our residents as they walk through spaces across Duke University Hospital and Duke University most frequently used by residents.
Duke Medical Campus Tour

Take a tour of the Duke Medical Campus, including Duke University Hospital, the Duke Medical Pavilion, the Duke Cancer Center, and Duke University Campus. Learn more about the hybrid operating room, Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU), and the Surgery Residents' Lounge.
Why Train at Duke

Visit the Graduate Medical Education (GME) website to learn more about resident and fellow training opportunities at Duke Health, Duke Health's commitment to social justice and dismantling racism, and Duke Health’s response to COVID-19.
Life in Durham
We think you’ll find everything you need for an enriching life and training experience in and around Durham, North Carolina — our home. It combines the best of a big city and a small town: the people are friendly, there’s plenty job opportunities and things to do, and it’s affordable.