Message from the Co-Presidents
We are proud to be serving as co-presidents of the Duke Head and Neck Surgery & Communication Sciences Alumni Society for the third straight year. As you may already know, this is an exciting time to be associated with Duke HNSCS! As of July 1, 2019, Duke HNSCS is now its own department! This has been years in the making and, thanks to the hard work of many people including Howard Francis and Ray Esclamado, finally a reality. We have hired several new faculty members in all of the subspecialties who will be expanding our clinical and research activities at Duke, and many of our current faculty have been honored at local, regional, and national levels.
We look forward to working with you all to continue to make the Alumni Society a vibrant community where we can all benefit from one another and come alongside future Duke HNSCS alumni. We would love to connect with you at some of the national conferences (look out for announcements for this) or at the yearly Alumni and Graduation event next June. Please contact us if you would like to be involved more with the Alumni Society, if you have questions about alumni issues, or if you have suggestions on how to make the Alumni Society better!
Russel Kahmke, MD
Class of 2015
Other Officers
Chris Tebbit, VP
Class of 2009
Mark LaVigne, Treasurer
Class of 1995
Kevin Choi, MD
Class of 2017
Alumni Listing
Learn where our alumni have achieved success in their careers.
2024 Graduates
Graduating Residents with Faculty

From left: Dr. Russ Kahmke, Residency Associate Program Director and Dr. Charles Woodard, Residency Program Director; OHNS Residency Graduates: Nick Clark, Hunter Elms, Sam Altonji, James Campbell; with Dr. Howard Francis, Professor and Chair, Department of Head and Neck Surgery & Communication Sciences
2023 Graduates
Graduating Residents with Faculty

From left: Dr. Howard Francis, Professor and Chair, Department of Head and Neck Surgery & Communication Sciences; Residency Graduates: Dehra McGuire, Alexandra Belcastro, Priya Dukes, William Reed. OHNS Fellows not pictured: Viraj Patel and Noam Bartuv.
2022 Graduates
Graduating Residents with Faculty

From left: Dr. Charles Woodard, Residency Program Director, Associate Professor of Head and Neck Surgery & Communication Sciences; Sarah Kortebein, OHNS Residency Graduate; Blaine Smith, OHNS Residency Graduate; Emily Commesso, OHNS Residency Graduate; Dr. Howard Francis, Professor and Chair, Department of Head and Neck Surgery & Communication Sciences
2021 Graduates
Graduating Residents with Faculty
From left: Dr. Howard Francis, Professor and Chair, Department of Head and Neck Surgery & Communication Sciences, Dr. David Straka, OHNS Residency Graduate, Dr. Dominik Greda, OHNS Residency Graduate, Dr. Milap Raikundalia, OHNS Residency Graduate, Dr. Charles Woodard, Residency Program Director, Associate Professor of Head and Neck Surgery & Communication Sciences.