Jeffrey Cheng, MD
Associate Professor
Received the Kids Care Grant Award of $10K for his project "Duke Children's Pre-Surgery Walk Through for Families."

Nosayaba Osazuwa-Peters, MPH, PhD
Assistant Professor
Co-authored an editorial in JAMA Otolaryngology titled "Expanding Indications for the Human Papillomavirus Vaccine: One Small Step for the Prevention of Head and Neck Cancer, but One Giant Leap Remains."

Kristal Riska, AuD, PhD
Assistant Professor
Received the R21 grant for the study "Falls Related Injuries and Hearing Loss: Understanding the role of hearing healthcare intervention."

Sherri Smith, MA, PhD, AuD, CCC-A
Associate Professor
Division of Communication Sciences
Received a PCORI grant of $2.6 mil for her project "Evaluation of Unilateral vs. Bilateral Hearing Aids for the Treatment of Age-related Hearing Loss."