Jamila Minga, Ph.D., CCC-SLP was awarded funding by Fund to Retain Clinical Scientists supported by American Heart Association (AHA) at Duke to support Dr. Minga’s work on language production after right hemisphere stroke: “Neuroanatomic correlates of language production after right hemisphere stroke – Supplement”.
Junior faculty members often face the challenge of working to establish academic careers while simultaneously managing significant caregiving responsibilities. These competing demands make it challenging to succeed in an increasingly competitive grant funding environment, and indeed can be an obstacle to retaining physician scientists at research-intensive academic institutions. To support junior faculty at this critical tipping point in their careers, the Office for Faculty and Office for Physician Scientists Development are pleased to offer the Fund to Retain Clinical Scientists at Duke. Supported by awards from the American Heart Association, Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and Dean Mary Klotman, the Fund provides supplements of up to $30,000-$50,000 per year to physician-scientists with significant caregiving responsibilities.