Study analyzes outcomes of oft-debated treatment modalities in poorly differentiated cancer
Due to the rarity and surgical complexity of sinonasal poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma (PDSCC), treatment regimens are often extrapolated from those of more common cancers of the oral cavity and other areas of the head and neck. However, with such limited data, optimal treatment protocols remain controversial, particularly with regard to the role of chemotherapy and the definitive sequence of therapy for this cancer.
To help address this debate, Ralph Abi Hachem, MD, MSc, a Duke otolaryngologist and head and neck surgeon, and other researchers queried the National Cancer Database to analyze patient demographics, tumor characteristics, and treatment factors and their influence on overall survival for sinonasal PDSCC with that of cancers at other sites in the head and neck. Duke otolaryngologists David W. Jang, MD, and Bradley Goldstein, MD, PhD, also contributed to this study.
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Lindsay Kenton, Duke Health
November 17, 2020
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