A speech pathologist on the front line of the coronavirus pandemic at Duke University Health is giving insight into what it’s like for people recovering from the virus after being put on a ventilator.

Speech Pathologist
Lindsay Dutko says working during the pandemic has been an adventure and an emotional ride. She credits the hard work of her coworkers for working together and supporting each other during tough times.
“It’s been really hard but I’m so grateful to work at a place in my direct boss and the hospital has been so supportive and really helpful. We started back in March. We are able to get the necessary equipment needed to keep our staff safe,” Dutko said.
Dutko teaches patients how to speak and swallow again. After some time on a ventilator, she said bodies lose the ability to do simple tasks on their own, like when you haven’t walked for a long time your legs can get weak.
“When you have a breathing tube, intubated tube, in your airway for a prolonged period of time, your vocal cords aren’t given the opportunity to open and close. And, you are also not given the opportunity to swallow or talk,” Dutko said.
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Duke speech pathologist gives insight into recovery for those put on a ventilator due to COVID-19
CBS17, Raleigh Durham
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