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Scholars@Duke Academic Profile
Dr. Raynor is Associate professor of Head and Neck Surgery & Communication Sciences and the Department of Pediatrics. She serves as Division Chief for Pediatric Otolaryngology. She has responsibilities for strategic planning for the division and has worked to increase internal and external referrals for complicated pediatric head and neck conditions. Dr. Raynor participates in several multidisciplinary teams including cleft and craniofacial, vascular malformations and aerodigestive. She and her colleagues work closely with all the pediatric divisions to provide comprehensive, coordinated care for children. She is also actively involved in clinical trials and works closely with residents and medical students on a variety of research projects. Dr. Raynor is part of the Duke Voice Care Center and works in tandem with a pediatric voice therapist on children with dysphonia, vocal cord dysfunction and other voice issues.