Susan Emmett, MD, MPH
Associate Professor of Head and Neck Surgery & Communication Sciences
Received an NIH grant for her study titled “mHealth Tympanometer: A Digital Innovation to Address Preventable Childhood Hearing Loss in Low- and Middle-Income Countries."

Russel Kahmke, MD
Assistant Professor of Head and Neck Surgery & Communication Sciences
Graduated from the 2021 Duke Clinical Leadership Program.

Walter Lee, MD, MHS
Professor of Head and Neck Surgery & Communication Sciences
Received an NIH grant for his study titled "Adapting a machine learning algorithm to predict thyroid cytopathologyin LMIC."

Nosayaba Osazuwa-Peters, MPH, PhD
Assistant Professor in Head and Neck Surgery & Communication Sciences
Received an NIH grant for his study titled "Suicide risk detection and mitigation in patients with head and neck cancer."
Study titled "Incidence and Risk of Suicide Among Patients with Head and Neck Cancer in Rural, Urban, and Metropolitan Areas" has been published in the journal JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery.