Audrey Walstrom, DMA, MA, CCC-SLP, a Clinical Singing Voice Specialist and Speech-Language Pathologist at Duke Health, partnered with East Carolina University (ECU) Opera Theater to discuss singing voice health and the care offered at Duke through a lecture titled "Vocal Health 101: For Performers, Singing Teachers, and Music Educators," which was open to the public.
During this lecture, students, faculty, and community members learned how to care for their voices through attention to vocal pacing and vocal hygiene. The audience received a brief overview of the most common use-related voice disorders and learned about the services offered at Duke Health and what to expect if an appointment is needed.
Duke Health provides the highest level of expert care to all vocal performers, from elite professionals to those who sing simply for enjoyment. Our team includes clinical singing voice specialists -- speech pathologists with additional training in vocal performance and singing instruction. Because our clinical singing voice specialists are also professional singers and voice teachers, we bring a performer's perspective to evaluating and improving your singing voice.
If you need an appointment, please call 919-684-3834.