Start Year: 2022
Pronouns: he/his/him
Instagram: @nick_frisco
Residency Program: 5 year clinical track
College/University: Johns Hopkins University
Medical School: Duke University School of Medicine
Clinical and Research Interests
Prior to residency, I had the most exposure to and interest in head and neck cancer surgery and otologic surgery. However, I am interested in all aspects of otolaryngology and look forward to developing these interests further throughout my training.
Prior to residency, my research interests included studying outcomes after multi-modal management of benign (Graves' disease) and malignant (hereditary medullary thyroid cancer) endocrine disorders, patient reported outcomes after hearing interventions and quality improvement efforts to improve HPV vaccination. I hope to further hone my abilities in conducting health inequity research within otolaryngology throughout residency.
What were your main expectations for a residency program? What are the strengths of the Duke program?
I wanted my residency program to provide a broad scope of training opportunities across the various subspecialties across otolaryngology and have a diverse, yet down-to-earth, complement of residents and faculty. I knew that Duke would exceed these expectations ever since I was a medical student here.
What advice do you have for incoming interns?
No matter how hard you work, stay true to yourself.
What do you like best about living in Durham and the Triangle?
Having 4 seasons is a big plus, coming from Florida. The cost of living is also very reasonable.
What do you like to do outside of Duke?
Playing and watching basketball, weightlifting, fishing, hanging out with my wife, friends, and dog.
Honors and Awards
Oral presentation: Frisco, NA, Rames, JD, Jiang, R, Shah, KP, Kahmke, RR, Puscas, L, Osazuwa-Peters, N, Rocke, DJ. "Integrated Health Maintenance Reminders for Improved HPV Vaccine Administration". Oral Presentation. American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 2022 Annual Meeting. September 2022.
Oral presentation: Frisco, NA, Gunn, AH, Thomas, SM, Stang, MT, Scheri, RP, Kazaure, HS. "Medullary Thyroid Cancer with RET V804M Mutation: More Indolent Than Expected?" Oral Presentation. American Association of Endocrine Surgeons 2022 Annual Meeting. May 2022.
Duke University School of Medicine Dean's Tuition Merit Scholarship
Johns Hopkins University Hodson Scholar