Hadassah Medical Center Academic Day

Dr. Cohen, Dr. Kaylie, Dr. Raynor, and Dr. Jang were part of Hadassah Medical Center's Department of Otolaryngology Head Neck Surgery Academic Day giving lectures and engaging in journal club. Our faculty also participated in the Israeli Society of Otolarynoglogy Head and Neck Surgery.

Special thank you to Dr. Ron. Eliashar for inviting us and hosting us. Dr. Eliashar serves as Chief - Division of Head-Face-Neck and Reconstructive Surgery, Chairman - Department of Otolaryngology/H&N Surgery, The Lasha Eisen Chair in Otolaryngology, Vice Chairman - The Scientific Council of The Israeli Medical Association and as Chairman - The Supreme Examination Committee of The Scientific Council at the Hebrew University School of Medicine at Hadassah Medical Center.
