Next event: Saturday, July 19, 2025
The course is held in July and is geared toward PGY 1 & 2 residents, teaching skills such as cric/trach procedures, flexible scope/bronchs, PET tube placement and suturing of more complex defects.
In addition, we have sessions on communication, managing complex scenarios and handling of common, middle-of-the-night phone calls.
OHNS residents from multiple states participate in addition to Duke Emergency Medicine Residents. This multidisciplinary interaction provides for a richer experience.
Breakfast, lunch and snacks are provided. Faculty from all the different programs and disciplines volunteer their time for this day-long event.
There is no registration fee, but residents and faculty participants must register.
We recommend these hotels if you are attending from out of town.
Where to Park
Park in the Duke Medicine Circle parking deck and walk to the Duke Clinic building.